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Uinx Command – Archive ALL Files Except…

- - Kode

Creating a tarball of the files on your server is a quick and easy way of completing a backup. The only issue is that in a real world scenario there’s always some file types or directories which you really don’t wish to backup be it space concern or otherwise. Skip...

Remove WooCommerce Billing Address Fields

- - Wordpress

WooCommerce is by far one of the most user-friendly solutions for selling products or services via your WordPress website. The free plugin allows you to accept Payments, track Invetory, run Marketing Campagigns and generate performance Reports. Before we dive in please checkout this sponsored list of Alternatives for WordPress Remove...

SpeedyMailer Embeddable PHP Mass Mailing App

- - Kode

Using Swiftmailer, Tinymce and Semantic UI framework to create an embeddable, feature rich mass mailing app. Speedy Mailer adds a sleek easy to use User Interface to swiftmailer. Speedymailer Demo DEMO DOWNLOAD The Interface Speedymailer Class (speedy.class.php) The Speedymailer class uses the PHP Swiftmailer library to send emails. require_once 'swiftmailer/lib/swift_required.php';...

Regular Expressions (RegEx) – Quick Reference

- - Kode

Regular expression also known as regex is a sequence of characters/symbols that forms a search pattern. It is supported by most programming language including Perl, Javascript, PHP, C-Sharp and Java. Commonly Used Symbols and Syntax META CHARACTERS ^ Start of subject (or line in multiline mode) $ End of subject...

CSS3 Transition Property

- - Kode

Take control of CSS3’s transition and sub-transition property to create amazing animation effects. These three examples of CSS3 transition effects used on hover will help you to understand and start writing your own css animation effects. DEMO DOWNLOAD CSS3 TRANSITION PROPERTY Provides a way to control animation speed when changing...

CSS3 Checkbox

- - Kode

Check out these really cool css3 check box styles. Regular check boxes and radio buttons are dull, flat and boring, so why not use css3 to improve on visual aesthetics. Learn how to transform these HTML elements using css only. DEMO DOWNLOAD The HTML for our Checkboxes Here we go,...

12 Free Premium PSD Party Flyers

- - Design

Whether your looking for creative pieces to use as references for your own custom flyer or you just need a free well designed template to get you started these quality flyers are sure to meet the requirement. Flyer Templates | Template.net Party Flyer PSD | Download ANGEL PARTY FLYER |...

Live Search with JQuery, Php and MySQL

- - Kode

Building a live search system using jQuery Ajax, PHP and MySQL. Unlike the traditional search box that reloads the page on submit, live search systems are able to return query results as you type. Many users find real-time search systems highly intuitive and fun to use. Let’s look into how...

PHP IP Blocking Script

- - Kode

EDIT: If your looking for a blacklisting solution for WordPress please visit Securing WordPress Websites and Blogs – Blacklist by IP Address Using GeoBytes and HostIP APIs to create a PHP IP addresses filtering system capable of blocking visitors by country. Both APIs are available free of cost but have...