Block route by IP address in Laravel

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In Laravel, using middleware, you can block access to a specific route by IP address. Middleware allows you to filter HTTP requests entering your application. Here’s how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Create a Middleware

Run the following Artisan command to create a new middleware:

php artisan make:middleware IPBlockerMiddleware

This will create a new middleware file in app/Http/Middleware/IPBlockerMiddleware.php.

Step 2: Implement IP Blocking Logic

Open the newly created middleware file (IPBlockerpMiddleware.php) and add the logic to block specific IP addresses.

namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class IPBlockerMiddleware
    // List of blocked IP addresses
    private $blockedIPs = [
        '', // Example IP to block
        '', // Another example IP

     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  \Closure  $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
        // Get the client's IP address
        $clientIP = $request->ip();

        // Check if the client's IP is in the blocked list
        if (in_array($clientIP, $this->blockedIPs)) {
            // Return a 403 Forbidden response
            return response('Access Denied', 403);

        // Allow the request to proceed
        return $next($request);

Step 3: Register the Middleware

Next, register your middleware in app/Http/Kernel.php. Add it to the $routeMiddleware array:

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    // Other middleware
    'block.ip' => \App\Http\Middleware\IPBlockerMiddleware::class,

Step 4: Apply the Middleware to Routes

Now, apply the middleware to the routes you want to protect. You can do this in your routes/web.php or routes/api.php file.

Example: Block IP for a Specific Route

Route::get('/protected-route', function () {
    return 'This route is protected!';

Example: Block IP for a Group of Routes

Route::middleware('block.ip')->group(function () {
    Route::get('/protected-route-1', function () {
        return 'This route is protected!';

    Route::get('/protected-route-2', function () {
        return 'This route is also protected!';

Step 5: Test the Middleware

  1. Access the protected route from a blocked IP address. You should see a 403 Forbidden response.

  2. Access the route from an allowed IP address. You should see the route’s content.

Optional: Dynamically Load Blocked IPs

If you want to load the blocked IPs dynamically (e.g., from a database or configuration file), you can modify the middleware to fetch the IPs from a source.

Example: Load Blocked IPs from Config

  1. Add the blocked IPs to your config/app.php file:

    'blocked_ips' => [
  2. Update the middleware to use the config:

    private $blockedIPs;
    public function __construct()
        $this->blockedIPs = config('app.blocked_ips');

Optional: Use a Package

If you prefer a pre-built solution, you can use a package like spatie/laravel-ip to manage IP blocking.

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